Running helps connect our mind and bodies


I am now sitting in one of my favourite restaurants in Thailand "Mama Pooh's. It took almost three days to get here from London, England. I have travelled here because I will be taking part in the TNF100 - "Thailand North Face 100k, I also ran last year placing 3rd overall. I'm writing this post today because I'm excited about running. I have been on all sorts of transportation over the past few days including planes, trains, buses, taxis and even boats, but in three days I have not used my favourite form of transport, that would be my legs.

Getting here "Koh Phangan" - (Island close to mainland Thailand) I feel pretty shitty after way too much sitting down without much if any movement. I go to the dirt running track at a school that I discovered a few years ago. After only 10 minutes of running I start to cry, this is whats been wrong with me, how come I have felt so uninspired. Running has awoken my body and connected my brain, I feel alive again. I really believe we as humans were made to be moving at some level, not just sitting.

So thats it, a short post on how running is not just running but movement to help connect our body and mind. Without running I would be using another hobby to move my body like climbing, walking or kayaking anything that moves the body. If your not feeling yourself or want to boost your brain chemistry get outside and move, its that simple. Your body will thank you for it, I promise.