run coaching

Why Hire a Running Coach


Hiring an online running coach could really help

Hiring a running coach, what does it involve? First off your potential running coach will arrange a call with you. In this call the running coach will ask you a series of questions. These will be questions like...

From now until the end of the year which events are you running? Which of these events are your A races and which are just tune up races? Many more questions will be asked as so the coach can learn as much about you and your running goals as needed.

After the consultation the coach will create a running program for you based on information you have given them. During the program any questions you have will be answered by the coach. You and your coach will catch up with each other on a regular basis to discuss your progress.

Benefits of having a running coach.....

  1. Have a running program written personally for you.

  2. Get your questions answered by a professional.

  3. You and your running coach become a team.

  4. Avoid injury and learn correct running form.

  5. Achieve higher success in races and get new personal bests.